Introducing Tiny Climber

Hey! I'm making a game called Tiny Climber. It's a platformer where you use a grappling hook to climb a mountain. As you can probably guess, it is heavily inspired by Celeste which I absolutely love (but which I still haven't beaten!).

I started this project at the end of 2023 and have been working on and off on it, with long breaks in-between. Lately, development has picked up steam and I'm starting to feel like this game could actually reach completion.

To keep the scope manageable for a hobby project, I'm aiming for around 15 minutes of play time.

My 7-year-old son made the title lettering and he's the principal play tester. 💪

In case you're interested, I'm writing the game in Rust with the help of wgpu, winit & kira libraries. Lately, I've added music (an old piece I made some years ago) and a jump sound effect which I made by waving a piece of cardboard in front of the microphone. 😄



tiny-climber-2024-10-17.exe 11 MB
Oct 18, 2024

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